Winter Wellness: How to Boost Your Immune System This Holiday Season

They say that sweater weather is the best weather because of the cozy feeling it brings.
But during holidays, eating foods that are high in sugar and saturated fats can alter your immune system, which is expected to fight off common colds and infections. Holiday stress, skipping exercise, and drinking booze can also weaken your immune system.
Therefore, aside from making this month a December to remember, do not forget to give yourself the gift of health. Boost your immunity this holiday season so you can enjoy each moment with good health and wellness! Here’s how to do it:
Cold and flu prevention
Colds and flu are your biggest enemies during this cold weather. Taking a flu shot may help you prevent getting these two.
You can also take immunity supplements like Liposomal Vitamin C, Immune Support, Elderberry, and Liquid Chlorophyll. These supplements keep your immune defenses strong and are packed with essential nutrients to ward off the symptoms of common health issues.
Opt for healthy and nutritious foods instead
Holidays will present you with traditional foods, drinks, and snacks that are delicious and savory. However, some of them may contain too much sugar, trans fat, oil, carbs, and saturated fats.
Consuming too much of these may trigger seasonal allergies or gastrointestinal problems. So always eat slowly and in moderate amounts, and keep your digestive health in check.
Taking a probiotics supplement aids in effective digestion and also helps increase nutrient absorption so you get the most out of your meals.
Stay hydrated
Dehydration not only happens in summer. Surprisingly, it’s also common in winter.
The cold, dropping temperature may make you feel ‘unthirsty’ most of the time, causing you to drink less water.
Thirsty or not, make it a habit to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Doing so will replace the lost fluids in your body when you sweat, breathe, urinate, and do physical activities.
Moisturize to prevent skin issues
During the cold temperature and low humidity, your skin is susceptible to dryness and itchiness. You can also have cracked heels, dry hair, and chapped lips. To avoid these skin-related issues, moisturize as often as you can and follow some beauty tips to get you through the holiday.
Your skin immunity is vital as this largest organ acts as the first line of defense by acting as your body’s protective barrier. Moisturizing is one of the many things you can do to protect your skin.
Practice good hygiene
Too lazy to go to the shower because of the freezing weather? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one struggling.
However, skipping bath time can lessen your body’s ability to fight infection. Germs and dirt can easily seep into your skin, too.
Have a warm bath if cold water frightens you. It can also improve your blood flow and helps kill bacteria, as well as relieves the symptoms of colds and flu.
So the next time you’re not feeling well, try taking a relaxing, warm bath to feel better.
Try your best to stay active
Holidays and cold weather will definitely make you want to wear your comfiest clothes and just stay on the couch the whole day. But a sedentary lifestyle can lead to weakened immune system, weight gain, and weakened bones.
You don’t need to do intense cardio or exercise. A simple stretching, yoga, jogging, or walking can make you healthy over the holidays.
Helping over the household chores is beneficial too! Not only can it make you active, but your house will also thank you for it.
Have a good night’s sleep
It’s easy to stay up late these holidays, but difficult to get enough sleep. Get-togethers, family bondings, and office parties can cause you to sleep less.
Sleep deprivation can lead to various health issues and poor immunity. Therefore, after finishing all your holiday errands, sleep for at least seven hours every night.
Maintaining a regular sleeping pattern is also one of the best ways to sleep easily at night. Because once you mess up your body clock, it will be difficult for you to get the same good night’s sleep.
Our warmest thoughts and best wishes on a wonderful and healthy holiday for you and your family!
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