Effective Ways to Really Prevent Hormonal Acne

Are you getting frustrated with acne that shows up out of nowhere and stays for weeks on your face?
Many people experience the same frustration. Others even have the worst kind of acne breakouts that affected their lives tremendously.
Acne is the most common skin condition among millions of people in the United States. It’s so usual that in fact, 50 million individuals in the US can have acne at a time according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).
It’s usual for teenagers to experience acne breakouts as part of puberty. But even adults at any age can have them, too. It’s normally called hormonal acne as an effect of hormonal fluctuations, particularly because of the rise in the male hormone testosterone.
How do you get acne
Acne occurs when your hair follicles, sebum (the oily substance your sebaceous glands produce), and dead skin cells clump together and clog the pores. When these clogged pores or comedones get infected by bacteria, acne develops.
Acne vulgaris is common acne or what appears during puberty. Acne rosacea is adult acne and is constantly recurring.
You might wonder, are acne and pimple the same? When acne becomes severe and pus develops, that’s a pimple. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules are all acne.
Hormonal acne is nothing different. As mentioned earlier, it’s called that way because it’s an effect of hormonal imbalance. A rise in androgen levels may lead to higher sebum production and affect skin cell activity. A bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) might populate the hair follicles and cause inflammation.
Hormonal changes connected to pregnancy, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and menstruation also trigger acne.
Aside from hormonal changes, there are other factors that give rise to acne. Your family history could be the reason you’ve been experiencing constant acne breakouts since you were younger.
Stress does not cause acne, but it’s another risk factor that can aggravate your skin flare-ups. The breakouts on your forehead or that annoying zit on the tip of your nose may be because you’re always touching your face with dirty hands.
You might have been told to stop eating greasy food to prevent acne from sprouting all over your face. There’s no truth to that. But if you’re working inside the kitchen most of the time, that’s what can trigger acne as the oil could stick on your skin and clog your pores.
How to prevent acne
Acne is a skin problem that brings not only undesirable physical changes but it may also impact your self-esteem. Depending on how bad your breakouts are or how often you get them, they might also affect your emotional state.
Can you really prevent acne?
It might be quite a struggle at first but if you’re serious about keeping acne at bay, you definitely can.
Here are some tips on how to prevent acne:
- Keep your face clean and oil-free.
Wash twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. Find a gentle cleanser and oil-control face products that won’t clog your pores. It’s also best to pick products made with natural ingredients to avoid parabens and other harsh chemicals.
- Wash your face after sweating
Sweating does not directly cause acne. But since your pores open up when you sweat, impurities may sneak into your skin, which is a major culprit for acne.
- Avoid touching your face
There are many instances that you may not know how dirty your hands are like when you’re at work or outside the house. Don’t touch your face unless you’ve cleaned your hands.
- Don’t pop your zit
Not only does it hurt but popping your pimple will only make your skin condition worse. Think of the dirt that may get into your open wound and the scar it may leave behind.
- Consult a dermatologist
You can treat mild acne without a prescription (benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid) but if you have the worst kind of acne and it’s becoming too uncomfortable, visit a dermatologist and seek for the best care and solution.
- Get a supplement for acne prevention
Diindolylmethane or DIM is a natural substance that aids in balancing hormones. Since acne is an effect of hormonal imbalance, DIM can help you prevent this skin condition as it works to solve the root of the problem.
Get your DIM supplement on Amazon today and bring back the confidence you get when you have a clear, radiant skin.
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