How to Make This Month a December to Remember

Looking back on how the year went by, you realize that everything happened in a flash. One day you’re just celebrating New Year’s and then all these holidays, and then it’s Christmas time once again!
And in between those days, you hustle, you have fun, you learn something new, and you grow.
After this month, you’ll be facing the year 2022. A year to fulfill your wishes, make your dreams come true, create milestones, and be a better version of you.
So let’s make the last month of the year a ‘December to Remember’ before you face another new year, new you:
Always spend time with your love ones
If you’ve been busy the whole year, make December a month to prioritize your family and loved ones.
Wrapping gifts? Wrap them with your family.
Going on a Christmas break? Go on an adventure with your family.
Grocery shopping for dinner special? Ask your family to come buy food with you.
Decorating the house? Ask the kids, or your young cousins, to help you. You can even allow them to make DIY decorations to unleash their creativity.
It’s such a wonderful thing to share these activities with the ones you love, allowing the genuine spirit of Christmas to touch each other’s hearts. Because no matter how special the foods and gifts are, what matters most is the quality time you spend with your family during the most special time of the year.
Settle unsettled matters
If you’re looking for a sign to finish any unsettled business, now’s the perfect time to do it.
Do you have that person in your life that you’re not given a chance to say goodbye to? Talk to them and say what you have in mind.
Do you have someone you want to forgive so you can let the hatred go? Talk to that person and tell them how you feel.
Too much clutter in your closet? Time to let go of the old stuff to make rooms for new ones.
Settle the things you haven’t accomplished this year, forgive the people who have wronged you even if they didn’t apologize, and release the burden you have in your heart. This will allow you to start the new year fresh, free, and happy.
Capture and compile memorable photos and videos
Nowadays, photo albums are becoming outdated because people prefer to store their photos on cloud storage or on their social media accounts. But seeing your photos in a photo album will give you an overwhelming and nostalgic feeling - in a good way.
Remember when your parents or grandparents used to compile your cute photos when you were young? It’s like remembering the splendid memories and the silly ones all in just one book. Now, that’s a treasure.
And during the last month of the year, take memorable photos or videos of your family when doing activities, preparing for holidays, and eating together.
You can even take photos of each one holding their presents, or beside the Christmas tree, or in the neighborhood behind the sparkling Christmas lights.
Choose one photo for each member, print them, and stick in your photo album. For the rest that you didn’t print, save them securely.
This way, you can show all the wonderful memories to the next generation. So they will know how lovely your family is.
Christmas bucket list
To make the last month of the year more exciting and memorable, create a bucket list for you and your family to try. Here are 20 cool ideas:
- Attend a tree lighting ceremony. This is where people gather around the Christmas tree, holding their favorite hot cocoa or coffee, wearing their sweater weather attire, and waiting for the tree to light up.
- Chop down your own Christmas tree. To unleash more of that Christmas spirit, chop down your own tree for Christmas. Who wouldn’t love the smell of an actual tree in your living room, fully decorated with ornaments?
- Get a picture with Santa. You’re never too old or young to take a photo with Santa Claus. After all, you believed in him when you were young, and he became a part of your Christmas childhood.
- Roast chestnuts or make s’mores on an open fire, because why not?
- Make a homemade or DIY gift for someone to unleash your artsy soul. Not to mention that’s a low budget, personalized present.
- Connect with or visit an old town friend. Catching up with an old friend you haven’t seen in a long time is one of the nicest things you can do before the year ends.
- Go ice skating. It’s both fun and healthy for you too.
- Attend the midnight Christmas mass because gratitude is everything.
- Christmas time would not be complete without building a snowman or creating a snow angel.
- Dress up and attend a Christmas party in your neighborhood. Bring a delicious dish, some snacks, or beverages too!
- Hang Christmas stockings. These stockings will give a warm, cozy vibe in your home. Put some tiny gifts in it too for kids to love.
- Drink eggnog. One Christmas tradition everybody loves (but not for minors) is drinking eggnog. Try it too if you haven’t. It’s a drink made of sugar, cream, milk, some whipped eggs, blended with spices and a touch of alcohol.
- Do random acts of kindness to a stranger. Share your blessings to those in need, or help someone out. You can do volunteer work as well. Spread love and kindness because everyone needs it.
- Have a snowball fight with your friends or family!
- Wrap your presents from your own DIY Christmas wrapper.
- Eat candy cane. When was the last time you ate one?
- Wear a Santa hat in public; while grocery shopping, going to a convenient store, strolling at the mall, or even just walking around the neighborhood.
- Wear your knitted sweater or mittens that your grandma made for you. Or anything you don’t like to wear because you think it looks uncool on you. You’ll be surprised at how comfy it feels.
- Visit one of the best Christmas places in your town. Usually these places have beautiful lighting and decorations that will make you feel the warmth of the Christmas atmosphere.
- Send Christmas cards to soldiers. Give them Christmas cards as one way of showing how much you appreciate their service. It would truly mean a lot of them.
It’s the last month of the year, make it count with kindness, generosity, tons of love, and care.
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