The Easiest Ways to Have a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleeping is a significant factor for optimal health. It is a primary human need that we should all delight in.
But it’s not every night that we get enough quality sleep. There are times that no matter how long you shut your eyes, sleep just seems to be elusive.
The good news is, there are easy ways to help you get a regular good night’s sleep. Read on below for tips that will let you control your sleeping habits in a much better way.
Sleep Deficiency
Before we discuss the ways you can sleep better, let’s talk about sleep deficiency first.
If you have sleep deficiency, you’re not getting enough hours of sleep or the quality your body needs to fully recharge. You have trouble dozing off at the right time or you could be suffering from a disorder.
Sleep deficiency can negatively affect your health and quality of life. At the worst case, it could even put you to a greater risk of death.
As we get older, we find it more difficult to manage our sleeping patterns. It could be because of work, stress, family responsibilities, or unexpected illnesses.
The regular hours of sleep required for adults are seven to eight hours. Are you getting these numbers or not? What do you often deal with at night that prevents you from sleeping soundly?
Easiest Ways to Help You Sleep at Night
Sleep is so important that you should not take it for granted. If you’re having trouble getting enough of it at night, these are easy yet proven ways to help you sleep better.
Don’t mess up your circadian rhythm. What exactly is circadian rhythm? It is our 24-hour biological cycle. To simply explain it, when it’s dark, your body will take it as a sign for you to sleep. And when there’s a bright light, your body knows that you should be up and awake.
Enjoy the natural light during the daytime and avoid any artificial light before bedtime. The blue light coming from your laptop and smartphone will give you a hard time sleeping right away. That’s why we’ve always been told to stop using our gadgets an hour or two prior to sleeping time.
No caffeine after 3 pm to 4 pm. According to studies, caffeine stays in the blood for six to eight hours. So if you’re heading out for an afternoon meet up over coffee, opt for decaf.
Manage your daytime naps. Do you always take a nap in the afternoon? Taking quick naps is good for brain function. But naps that last longer than 30 minutes can affect the quality of sleep you’ll have at nighttime.
Have a consistent sleeping schedule. If you try to wake up and go to bed at the same hours every day, you’ll be able to fix your body clock. No more tossing and turning at night because your body knows it’s time to sleep. And you won’t have a hard time getting up in the morning because you feel well rested. (You can finally stop hitting the snooze button!)
Avoid alcohol before bedtime. A glass of wine might help induce sleep but anything else with high alcohol content might be a bad idea. Drinking a moderate amount of alcohol an hour before bed can reduce melatonin production by 20%. Melatonin has a direct effect on the body’s circadian rhythm.
Make your bedroom the most relaxing spot in your house. A quiet, clean, and cozy bedroom can definitely put you to sleep a lot easier. Try to minimize external noise and unnecessary lights. Figure out the best temperature that makes you sleep better. The most important of all, invest in the most comfortable bed, mattress, and pillows.
Avoid consuming large meals and too much liquid. Eating a sizeable dinner or late-night snack can prevent you from a good night’s sleep. Think of indigestion. One more thing that disrupts sleep is nocturia or excessive urination at night. Don’t drink glasses of liquids before your bedtime. Or if you can’t help it, probably because you’re taking meds, go the restroom right before you hit the sack.
Create a relaxing routine before bedtime. Read a book. Listen to a relaxing playlist. Take a hot shower. Do these every night to calm your senses and induce sleep. Lighting a soy candle infused with lavender essential oil can also be a relaxing treat to add to your nighttime routine.
Write in your journal. This allows you to let out your thoughts or worries, even just for the night. It will help both your brain and your heart if you write down anything that bothers you. Overthinking and over-indulging on stressful thoughts and situations can stop you from getting the rest you deserve.
Steer away from sleep deficiency to avoid health risks like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Follow the tips we’ve shared in this post and enjoy the most relaxing sleep.
As you know by now, aside from a healthy diet and active lifestyle, getting enough hours of quality sleep can give you the optimal health you wanted to achieve.
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