Collagen for Muscle Recovery: What You Need to Know

Are you a gym regular? Chances are, you’ve had days when soreness all over your body becomes debilitating.
These constant aches are normal results of the routines you do. You know that already. As the old saying goes — no pain, no gain.
But you can tone down the pain you feel post-workout. Another good news for you is that you can prevent further damage to your muscles and protect yourself from injuries.
You may have your gym buddy or fitness coach to train and motivate you. But you know what else you need if you’re doing an intense workout? Collagen.
Collagen, muscles, and connective tissues
Muscles account for approximately 40 percent of your weight. They are mainly responsible for movement but there are more than 600 muscles that support other body functions.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body that holds it together like glue. It’s the major building block of bones, joints, and connective tissues.
Let’s talk a little more about connective tissues. These tissues are made of fibers that bind other tissues and organs. These connective tissues hold the muscle fibers in place.
The strongest and most abundant fibers in connective tissues are collagen fibers. That is why collagen is significant for building tissues your body needs for your athletic performance.
Do you see how your muscles, connective tissues, and collagen are connected?
You might focus on developing your muscle mass, but when you exercise, it’s not just your muscles at work. Your bones, joints, and connective tissues also function and get strained.
How collagen repairs your muscle
Aside from the aging process, regular strenuous exercise causes collagen degradation.
Weightlifting, running a marathon, or three days of HIIT workout a week cause massive strain on your body. Can you imagine how you were feeling after an intense exercise? Your muscles are achy that you don’t even want to move or it would only get worse.
Strained muscles become inflamed. What makes collagen helpful for your muscles to recover is because it contains amino acids proline and glycine, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can boost your immune system.
Your immune system is the first to respond to injuries. With these amino acids and collagen’s high bioavailability, your muscles will recover faster. The soreness would also become less excruciating since you have your defense against inflammation.
Aside from repairing damaged tissues, collagen replenishes the proteins you lost after a long and exhausting workout. Collagen protein can alleviate the pain that you might suffer from a high-intensity physical activity.
Finding the right collagen supplement
The best thing about collagen is how it benefits not only the skin but other parts of the body as well. It’s good for your muscles, joints, bones, gut, hair, and nails.
Since our body’s natural collagen production slows down with aging, you need to supplement it to ensure that you continue reaping its wonderful benefits for your health.
The need for sufficient collagen supply in the body gave way to the birth of collagen supplements in different forms: powder, capsules, liquid, and injection.
Which works best? It’s actually more of your personal preference. If you want to put collagen on anything you drink or eat, take the collagen in powder form. Capsules are handy as you can just pop it in your mouth but you have to take one to three times a day depending on the serving size.
Liquid collagen comes in ready to drink bottles. You might not be fond of the taste though so find the one that’s pleasing to your palate. Collagen injections are fillers used to treat wrinkles and fine lines and to remove scars.
If you’re more comfortable taking capsules, try Collagen Complex, a premium multi-collagen peptide capsules. This hydrolyzed protein supplement comes from five great sources of collagen: grass-fed beef, fish, chicken, eggshell membrane, and avian sternum.
Each bottle is good for a month’s supply. Take 3 capsules as suggested serving size. Amount per serving is 1500mg of collagen protein complex.
Get your Collagen Complex today so you can take care of your muscles, joints, and bones a lot better.
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