8 Dimensions of Wellness to Create a Life You Love

“Wellness is a journey that starts within.”
If you want to fully achieve wellness, you have to take responsibility for your health and overall being. And that means looking after the different dimensions of wellness.
Wellness is about balance. You can’t have a good physical health with poor mental health. And if you can’t handle your emotions very well, your thinking capacity can be affected. If your financial status is falling apart, this can cause several problems, too.
Physical, mental, and spiritual aspects are the most common dimensions that people know about. But did you know that there are still 5 more?
1. Mental Wellness

“Creating a healthy mindset is an investment for your overall well-being.”
How you think affects how you feel and act. Having a good foundation of mental health will help you manage your stress more effectively so you can think properly. This will prevent you from making impulsive decisions and taking drastic actions.
Additionally, good mental health will help you get a good night’s sleep.
Activities you can do for your mental wellness:
- Know the importance of self-care and do it daily
- Learn to love yourself more
- No matter how busy you are, always look after your mental health
- Do a 30-day challenge to improve and protect your mental health
- Eat foods that are good for your mental health
- Always start your day with a positive mindset
- Try mindfulness exercises
- Meditate
2. Physical Wellness

“Physical fitness is the basis of dynamic and intellectual activity.”
Having good physical health will contribute to how you look and feel at your best. Do you look confident about how you look? If no, then wear clothes make you feel comfortable. Don’t be anxious to show people what your fashion sense is.
Are you having a balanced diet? Do you pamper yourself often? When was the last time you’ve had a massage?
Activities you can do for your physical wellness:
- Hydrate more
- Do flexibility exercises to make your joints stronger
- Maintain healthy habits even if you’re working from home
- Learn ways to overcome fatigue
- Start eating right
- Cook meals that helps increase your energy levels
- Prevent emotional eating
- Establish easy and uncomplicated exercise routines to stay active
- Invite your family to engage in fun activities
- For women: follow habits from women who always stay fit
- For men: try lifestyle upgrades to become leaner and stronger
3. Emotional Wellness

“No matter the situation, never let your emotions overpower your intelligence.”
The way you feel can highly impact how you act with yourself, around your family and friends, and in terms of your career.
Emotions can either get in your way or get you on the way. Learn to handle your emotions carefully to prevent emotional exhaustion.
Having good emotional wellness will also help you establish a more meaningful relationship with the people you care about.
Activities you can do for your emotional wellness:
- Practice gratitude daily
- Learn ways to practice emotional self care
- Always be kinder to yourself
- Beat emotional burnout like a boss
4. Spiritual Wellness

“The true inward journey is about finding your own fullness. Something that no one else can take away.”
You can’t have a physical and mental transformation until you have a spiritual transformation. Spiritual wellness is creating a life that feels good on the inside. Not just one that looks good on the outside.
This means connecting to yourself deeper, knowing your core values, and not breaking your principles in order to live a more fulfilling life.
Activities you can do for your spiritual wellness:
- Learn the 5 areas of therapeutic self-care to heal from physical and mental exhaustion
- Know the different powers of manifestation and how to achieve them
- Try the 9-step guide to a healthier you
- Find ways to simplify your busy week (because less stuff allows you to have more freedom to do things in your own will, without putting too much pressure on yourself)
- Create nourishing habits that will boost your beauty from within
- Establish morning and evening routine that will help calm your mind & body
5. Social Wellness

“No man is an island.”
Social wellness relates to surrounding yourself with people who are going to lift you higher when times are tough.
Having good relationships with people, especially to those you really care about, is a gift. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, socializing is part of overall wellness.
Activities you can do for your social wellness:
- Grow genuine relationships (relates to self-improvement too)
- Always smile (this prevents aging and builds positive frequency)
- Be aware of your environment and circle
- Take a relaxing holiday break even if you’re alone (this allows you to build new networks)
- Go camping
- Prioritize spending more time with your family
6. Intellectual Wellness

“Learning continuously is the best way to build one’s intellectual capacity.”
Intellectual wellness links to a set of habits and activities that stimulate and exercise your mind.
While mental wellness focuses more on your inner peace, intellectual wellness takes care of your brain's health to improve your cognitive function.
Activities you can do for your intellectual wellness:
- Take vitamins that are good for the brain
- Help support your gut-brain connection
- Establish habits that can boost your brain power
- Live a simple life
- Consume more magnesium-rich foods or take a magnesium supplement
7. Environmental Wellness

“You’re a product of your environment. Surround yourself with the best.”
Your surrounding has a big impact on your overall wellness. If your house is messy, you can’t concentrate well. If you’re surrounded by toxic people, they can strongly affect your actions into reaching your goals.
Environmental wellness includes surrounding yourself with positive energy and living in a more sustainable way.
Activities you can do for your environmental wellness:
- Live a healthy lifestyle while caring for the environment
- If you’re working, learn how to manage common work-related stress
- Live a balanced, but more productive lifestyle
- Inhale essential oils
8. Financial Wellness

“If you have to reap financial blessing, you have to sow financially.”
Financial wellness is important in different aspects of life. Not having enough money to pay for your needs can lead to chromic stress and sleepless nights, which is also not good for your health.
Being financially secure will give you opportunities to help other people and build a secure life for your family.
Chase your passion, and money will come. Because if you keep chasing your money, you may never find your passions.
Activities you can do for your financial wellness:
- Know how to subconsciously program your mind to reach your goals
- Learn the best goal-setting tips that will change your life
- Start the new year right (every day is always an opportunity to improve and take care of yourself)
- Have a daily morning fitness routine to start your day right (this will help you stay organized and prevent you from skipping any important steps during the process)
- Also, set a budget, start a side hustle, always save for emergency funds, pay off debts, and don’t buy things that you don’t need
Mindset, habits, and routines are the building block for your success towards your overall wellness goals. Balance the eight dimensions of wellness in order to establish a life you’ll love and create memories you’ll treasure forever.
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