10 Tips to Establish Healthy Boundaries at Work

Are you a very open person?
Do you like to share a lot with the people very close to you?
Don’t worry. There’s nothing weird about that. It just means you trust people you are comfortable and have a deep connection with.
However, know that it is necessary, and sometimes even vital, to set boundaries in your life and the people that you allow in it. Because your personal boundaries will protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices.
Why is it important to set boundaries at work?

Sure you have very close connections with your colleagues and some of them you even treated as family. You share fun and even downfall moments with each other, you encourage healthy competitions with one another, you know about their personal life and their families, and they know yours too.
But did you know that you still have to create HEALTHY boundaries with your co-workers in order to help maintain stronger connections? Most especially in areas of respect and productivity.
This is called professional boundaries. It helps you create a clear rule or limits on how you would like to be treated, which will allow people to know what is okay or acceptable to you and what’s not.
Boundaries will encourage people to speak up, suggest solutions to problems, and provide creative ideas without the feeling of being over-committed or overwhelmed. It will also prevent work-related stress and burn out, while maintaining a reasonable workload and enhanced focus on tasks.
In pure honesty, we have secrets that don’t need to be shared. You’re entitled to protect that. Physical, emotional, and mental limits will help honor your needs and wants so you can feel respected and safe at all times.
10 ways to provide healthy boundaries at work
1. Set priorities
Your priority at work is your job responsibility. Or in a general term, your position in your company. If a colleague or supervisor asks you to do a task that is out of your job role, politely decline. Maintaining your main priority in your position will help prevent overstressing in finding a solution to a problem that is out of your skill set or responsibility.
2. Commit to your working schedule

The reason why you have working hours is for you to be committed to it. Don’t come in late and don’t pressure yourself into staying late.
If you’re already exhausted but still have a lot of work to do, do it tomorrow. Don’t pressure yourself because the results won’t be good. Your family priorities and mental health matters most.
This is why time management is very important to prevent emotional burnout and being behind your deadlines.
3. Delegate tasks appropriately
Delegating is asking for help, not bossing around.
If there’s a task that you’re unable to make time for, ask someone to help you. Someone you know that is capable of doing what you do, and has spare time to do it.
Delegation will help you manage your workload reasonably and in a productive manner.
4. Understand your workload
There are times that you need to make the necessary changes to your work schedule because there are adjustments to the company's or group’s plan.
In such cases, know how long it will take to complete each of your tasks, then divide them into your complete working day. This will help you finish your tasks at your regular working pace.
5. Take the time off

If you’re feeling sick, if your anxiety is kicking in, or if you’re feeling exhausted, take some time off. Don’t force yourself to go to work if your mind and body are not in good condition. This will only affect your job and the people around you.
You can rest the whole day at home or take a vacation if you need to — for a day or two, or whenever you’re feeling better. This will allow your mind, body, and energy to recharge so you’ll feel more motivated and productive to get back to work.
6. Communicate often
If something bothers you at work, talk to someone about it. Unresolved matters will only cause overthinking and unhealthy relationships. Speak to your colleague or supervisor to become more focused and proactive at work.
7. Recognize your emotions

Never ignore your emotions and don’t bring your problems to work.
If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, understand the reason that’s causing them and have a separate time and place to reflect on how you can resolve those issues. Not at work.
Doing this will help you focus more on your work productively and develop emotional intelligence skills so you can learn how to control your emotions appropriately and how to manage them at work.
8. Respect others
In order to set healthy boundaries at work, you must learn how to respect others’ opinions and situations too.
If your colleague asks for help, guide them. When they are speaking up, listen. If they are trying to connect with you, allow them. Just think of it as a give and take relationship.
9. Be open-minded to confrontations and criticism

In terms of career growth (business or employment) confrontations and criticisms are inevitable. Don’t think of them as a trigger of negative energy, but rather as a challenge.
Criticism helps people gain different perspectives, especially to matters that are often never considered or overlooked at work.
Constructive criticism will help you grow and provide better opportunities for improvement.
10. Practice saying NO
This part also relates to recognizing your emotion. If you feel like saying no, it’s okay. Don’t force yourself to do something that you don’t like.
For example, if your colleagues ask you to go out after work, but you feel tired, politely decline.
If a coworker asks you to do something but you’re already preoccupied with your tasks, even if you feel shy to say no, you can tell your coworker that you will help them after you’re done with yours.
Doing this will convey a signal about what your colleagues can expect from you but in a good way.
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