10 Habits You Can Start Today to Improve Your Life as a Mom

A healthy and happy mom is a better mom.
As a mom, there are things you need to sacrifice in order to be wonderful moms. Motherhood is not always easy. The sleepless nights, the endless chores, fewer time for yourself, and constant worry about raising your kids.
But no matter how hard it feels, every day, you always get up and do your best for your children. Because from the very moment you hold them in your arms, you know that your job is to protect and take care of them with all your might.
As a woman of many roles, happiness and health should always be in your top priorities. You have to do your best to find time to always check your mental, physical, and emotional health in order to provide better nurture to your kids and care for your whole family.
Every mom is busy. But it all boils down to how you manage your health and time in order to improve your life as a mom. Always remember, the happiest and healthiest mom do these 10 habits:
1. Finding time for self

Mothers give all their time in the world to their family that they end up having no more time for themselves anymore. And this is the major reason why some moms experience physical and mental exhaustion, which affects emotional health too.
No matter how busy things get, always find time for yourself. You can still do this by making a regular schedule, even once a week.
You can pamper yourself by getting your hair and nails done, getting a massage, hanging out with girlfriends, or any kind of self-care treat. Just think of it as a way to recharge yourself from endless responsibilities.
You’ll feel better after doing these things because your energy, productivity, and happiness depend on how you take care of yourself.
2. Use and manage your time wisely
All of us have 24 hours a day. But for moms, it’s not enough to get everything done.
Which is why procrastination is a big no-no. There’s a big difference between resting and procrastinating. Do so by limiting your screen time and avoiding neighborhood gossip.
Instead, learn to become more organized, declutter from time to time to maintain a clean, refreshing house, and have a schedule for household chores & other tasks. All these will help you gain a more balanced life.
In addition, delegate your tasks. Teach your kids simple duties like feeding themselves, organizing their clothes & toys, and potty training them. If you have an extra budget, you can hire a helper to assist you with the household tasks so you can have more time with your kids.
3. Always check your health
Mothers love unconditionally. This is why it’s easy to overlook your health because you’re too focused on raising healthy children.
But what if you get sick? What if your mental health struggles with chronic stress and anxiety?
Therefore, you should value your health too, just like how you value your family’s overall well-being. If your kids get regular checkups, so should you. If your kids are eating healthy, then you should too.
After you’re done prepping your kids to school, have a quick 5 to 10 minute workout. If you’re experiencing stress, meditate. If you feel tired, rest. Take things easy.
And oh, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. They said that mothers rarely get seven hours of sleep. But the secret is all about time management and sticking to your daily schedules.
4. Stop sweating on small stuff

Your kid spilled juice on the carpet? Now you’re worried about cleaning the whole carpet and thinking if you have enough time for that.
Saw your toddler eating ice cream? Now you start googling about the negative effects it can have on your child that it makes you feel anxious.
Stop worrying about small things, as this can do more harm than good. Take a deep breath and let kids be kids.
5. Establish house rules
Discipline is everything. Establish house rules and teach them to your children. Train them to:
- Make it a habit to eat meals together and no screen time while eating
- Homework first before play
- Sleep on time
- Make the bed as soon as they wake up
- Help you set the table
If your children don’t listen to you, do not yell at them. Rather, explain to them the reason why they need to do those things and the consequences that may happen if they don’t follow your rules.
Disciplined children grew up becoming more responsible adults. As a mom, you have the power to discipline your child, but always do it the right way.
6. Schedule regular activities
Connection plays a vital role in forming a healthy and happy relationship with your kids. Do this by scheduling regular activities with your kids.
You can watch movies together, take them to a park, make pancakes with them, play in the backyard, or have indoor games.
These are just simple things you can do with your kids, but to them, it’s everything because they experience those happy moments with you. Happy kiddos always bring joy to every mother’s heart.
7. Always think of happy times

Time flies so fast. One day you’re just giving milk to your kids from a baby bottle, and the next thing you know, they’re already drinking milk from their own cups by themselves.
So just enjoy motherhood and spend as much time with your kids as you can. Look back at their baby photos and reminisce about the times they look so tiny and fragile. Then look how big they are now. You should feel proud because you raised your kids well. Great job, momma!
8. Pay attention to your marriage
Sad to say, some husbands are paid less attention because mothers are too busy with their kids, career, and chores.
Always make a way to communicate with your husband. Schedule a date with him, surprise him, ask how his day is going, prepare a delicious meal for him, give him compliments, or throw him random hugs.
These simple acts will allow your husband to feel how much you care, love, and appreciate them.
9. Have a hobby or side hustle
If you find daily routines too tedious or exhausting, it’s always a good idea to have a hobby or side hustle.
You can learn a new skill, have a daily hobby, or venture a new career, so you will always have something to look forward to.
Being a wonderful mom brings a pleasing sense of fulfillment. But you can always do something outside of motherhood if you want to, which will add to your learnings and experiences later on.
Lastly, never stop learning. You can read mommy hacks & tips that can be very helpful for your mommy duties. Or watch cooking blogs so you'll have plenty of recipes in mind to prepare for your family.
10. Stop comparing

One of the major reasons why some mothers end up being sad or frustrated is because they tend to compare themselves to other moms.
All mommas are different in their own way. Saw a mom excelling in their career? Don’t compare yourself. Because maybe that mom wishes to spend more time with their kids the way you do.
Also, don’t believe everything you see on social media because there are many unrealistic mommy expectations there. Just always do your best, love your kids with all your heart, pay attention to your husband, take care of yourself, and know that it’s okay to make mistakes.
A motherhood reminder for you:
Being a mother is learning about the strengths you didn’t know you had. You may think that you’re not a good mother, but to the eyes and hearts of your children, you are the best one.
No mother is perfect, but there are a million ways to become one.
Happy mother’s day from Purely Optimal family!
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